1st International Conference on
Phantom Limb Pain
Aug 31 – Sep 2, 2021 | Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference Location

R-huset, Mölndal Hospital
Länsmansgatan 28, 431 30 Mölndal
ICPLP2021 will be held at R-huset, a creative meeting place for researchers, students, clinicians, and patients inaugurated in 2017. R-huset utilizes an open, flexible design to stimulate multidisciplinary collaboration between the different medical and research departments located within its walls.
R-huset’s location at Mölndal Hospital, south of the Gothenburg city centre, means that it is only a 30 min tram ride to the Gothenburg central station and a 20-minute taxi ride from Landvetterairport. There are also bicycle pools at your disposal.
At just a short distance away from R-huset, Gothia Towers and Clarion Collection Hotel Mektagonen offer first-class accommodation for conference travel guests. A discount code for accommodation will be sent via e-mail after registration
Register before May 17th, 2021 to get early bird pricing!
More information on Registration and Pricing.
About Gothenburg, Sweden
Gothenburg is the second-largest city in Sweden, fifth-largest in the Nordic countries, and capital in the region of Västra Götaland. The city is encircled by rocky shoreline, deep forests, tranquil lakes and the surging sea to the west. No other Swedish city gives such easy access to nature. Right on the doorstep are wide open spaces and magical islands.
To learn more about the city, visit the Official Visitor Guide to Gothenburg
This conference is organized by the Center for Bionics and Pain Research